deepsea-yolov5 runs the YOLOv5 model in the cloud in AWS Sagemaker. This runs on 1-8 GPUS.
Based on the repository https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5.
Assuming your data is organized as:
│ └── data
│ └── images/*.png,jpg,etc.
│ └── labels/*.txt
You need to split it first into minimally training and validation sets and compress it. The deepsea-ai utility has a split function to help with this, e.g.
pip install deepsea-ai
deepsea-ai split -i data -o splitdata
Data will now be split and compressed, e.g.
│ └── splitdata
│ └── images.tar.gz
│ └── labels.tar.gz
Class name file example
A simple text files with the names of your class labels is needed for mapping the indexes in the
Example names.txt
Running the cloud
Install AWS Command Line Interface (cli) if not already done and confirm setup:
aws --version
aws s3 ls
Train a yolov5x model on a ml.p3.xlarge instance type:
deepsea-ai train --model yolov5x --instance-type ml.p3.xlarge \
--labels $PWD/splitdata/labels.tar.gz \
--images $PWD/splitdata/images.tar.gz \
--label-map yolo.names \
--input-s3 s3://benthic-dive-training \
--output-s3 s3://benthic-dive-checkpoints