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Blue A Classify
- Distributed under the terms of the GPL License
- Maintainer:
- Authors: Danelle Cline, John Ryan
Kernel Selection¶
If running in SageMaker, the Python 3 (Data Science) kernel is sufficient. The Python 3 (TensorFlow 2.3 Python 3.7 GPU Optimized) will run the inference code faster for a higher cost. For more advanced users, SageMaker Batch Transform is recommended to process data in bulk.
Applying Machine Learning to classify blue whale A calls¶
Essential to detection and classification of marine mammal vocalizations are the distinct acoustic attributes of those vocalizations. Machine learning (ML) is an effective way to recognize acoustic attributes and reliably classify such vocalizations.
In this brief tutorial, we will:
- tap into an extensive (6+ years and growing) archive of sound recordings from a deep-sea location along the eastern margin of the North Pacific Ocean,
- illustrate the beautiful songs produced by baleen whales, and
- demonstrate the application of ML to classify one of the three types of calls produced by blue whales in their songs.
If you use this data set or tutorial, please cite our project[1].
Install required dependencies¶
First, let's install the required software dependencies.
If you are using this notebook in a cloud environment, select a Python3 compatible kernel and run this next section. This only needs to be done once for the duration of this notebook.
If you are working on local computer, you can skip this next cell. Change your kernel to pacific-sound-notebooks, which you installed according to the instructions in the README - this has all the dependencies that are needed.
!apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y libsndfile1
!python -m pip install --upgrade pip
!pip install tensorflow==2.4.1 --quiet
!pip install boto3 --quiet
!pip install oceansoundscape --quiet
Hit:1 bionic-cran40/ InRelease Ign:2 InRelease Hit:3 InRelease Hit:4 Release Hit:5 bionic-security InRelease Hit:6 bionic InRelease Hit:7 bionic InRelease Hit:9 bionic InRelease Hit:10 bionic-updates InRelease Hit:11 bionic-backports InRelease Hit:12 bionic InRelease Hit:13 bionic InRelease Reading package lists... Done Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done libsndfile1 is already the newest version (1.0.28-4ubuntu0.18.04.2). The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: libnvidia-common-460 Use 'apt autoremove' to remove it. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 41 not upgraded. Looking in indexes:, Requirement already satisfied: pip in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (22.2.2) WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
Import all packages¶
import boto3
from botocore import UNSIGNED
from botocore.client import Config
import cv2
from oceansoundscape.spectrogram.signal import psd_1sec
from oceansoundscape.raven import BLEDParser
from oceansoundscape.spectrogram import conf, denoise, utils
import os
from pathlib import Path
import soundfile as sf
import json
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
Why use 2 kHz data?¶
Because we are studying the low-frequency calls of blue whales, we don't need the original recordings sampled at 256 kHz. Instead, we will use the 2 kHz decimated data in WAV format; these are stored in an s3 bucket named pacific-sound-2khz. For more information on the storage and organization of the 2kHz data, please see the 2kHz example.
List the contents of a monthly directory¶
Between August 2015 and July 2021 (a 6-year period), the highest levels of blue whale song activity off central California were detected during November 2017. Let's start by listing the daily 2 kHz files for that month.
s3 = boto3.client('s3',
year = 2017
month = 11
bucket = 'pacific-sound-2khz'
for obj in s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=f'{year:04d}/{month:02d}')['Contents']:
2017/11/MARS-20171101T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171102T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171103T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171104T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171105T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171106T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171107T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171108T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171109T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171110T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171111T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171112T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171113T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171114T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171115T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171116T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171117T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171118T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171119T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171120T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171121T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171122T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171123T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171124T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171125T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171126T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171127T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171128T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171129T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/MARS-20171130T000000Z-2kHz.wav 2017/11/
A view of baleen whale song¶
Let's produce a spectrogram with sufficient resolution in time and frequency to see the blue whale song with enough resolution to visually identify. We'll limit the exercise to a single hour from a day with calls of variable received intensity (signal strength).
Download a single 2 kHz file¶
year = 2017
month = 11
wav_filename = 'MARS-20171101T000000Z-2kHz.wav'
bucket = 'pacific-sound-2khz'
key = f'{year:04d}/{month:02d}/{wav_filename}'
s3 = boto3.resource('s3',
# only download if needed
if not Path(wav_filename).exists():
# Alternatively, it can be downloaded directly in SageMaker with
# !aws s3 cp s3://{bucket}/{key} .
s3.Bucket(bucket).download_file(key, wav_filename)
Subset to the 5th hour of the day¶
sample_rate = int(2e3)
start_hour = 5
start_frame = int(sample_rate * start_hour * 3600)
duration_frames = int(sample_rate* 3600)
pacsound_file = sf.SoundFile(wav_filename)
x =, dtype='float32')
Plot the full 2 kHz spectrogram¶
Lots of biophony (sounds of ocean life) are represented in this spectrogram. Humpback whale songs are dominant above ~ 100 Hz, while blue and fin whale songs are dominant below ~ 100 Hz. The energy of blue whale A calls is largely between ~70 and 90 Hz (between the white dashed lines).
For more details about creating a calibrated spectrogram, see the 2 kHz tutorial.
sg, f = psd_1sec(x, sample_rate, 177.9) # create calibrated psd
plt.axhline(73,linestyle='--', color='white')
plt.axhline(91,linestyle='--', color='white')
plt.imshow(sg,extent=[0, 3600, min(f), max(f)],aspect='auto',origin='lower',vmin=30,vmax=100)
plt.xlabel('November 01, 2017 Hour 5')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Calibrated spectrum levels')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Calibrated spectrum levels')
Band Limited Energy Detections¶
In this example, we will focus on classification of calls. Here, detections for potential Blue whale A calls have been precomputed using Band-Limited-Energy-Detectors BLEDs in the Raven software. There are many way to do detection, including spectrogram correlation and neural network approaches such as single-shot detectors to name a few. The best detector depends on the acoustic application and its cost/performance tradeoff.
The approach taken here is to use the BLED detectors to identify not only strong and clear calls, but also many uncertain signals, so we can avoid missing calls.
An output from the BLED detectors might look something like this following simple table.
Note that this only represents a subset of the detections in the 5th hour for the purposes of this simple example.
bled_file = 'MARS-20171101T000000Z-2kHz.wav.Table01.txt'
%%writefile {bled_file}
Selection View Channel Low Freq (Hz) High Freq (Hz) Begin Time (s) End Time (s)
453 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19076.535750 19088.027750
454 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19115.990750 19132.331750
455 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19145.565750 19161.217750
456 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19182.693750 19200.880750
457 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19221.550750 19235.590750
458 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19244.183750 19270.027750
459 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19310.171750 19328.345750
460 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19342.502750 19360.689750
461 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19373.676750 19389.107750
462 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19398.727750 19410.193750
463 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19421.425750 19436.804750
464 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19445.189750 19461.803750
465 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19494.706750 19507.173750
466 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19527.622750 19538.555750
467 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19548.071750 19561.370750
468 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19568.377750 19585.186750
469 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19625.057750 19645.753750
470 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19653.293750 19676.381750
471 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19680.944750 19704.734750
472 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19708.543750 19723.051750
473 Spectrogram 1 1 70.0 90.0 19760.907750 19778.990750
Writing MARS-20171101T000000Z-2kHz.wav.Table01.txt
Focus on blue whale A calls¶
Zooming in on a more narrow frequency and time, we can see the pulse-train nature of the A calls, an important distinction for classification. In this brief segment, we can see A calls of variable received intensity.
Here, we parse the detections and display the identifying Raven Selection number for reference.
- The first A call in this time period, which was quite strong, does not have a start marker because its start precedes the beginning of this audio segment.
- The full detail of the A calls is still not visible at the resolution presented above. The full detail will become clear when we apply the model and examine individual classified calls.
# an optimum configuration for the call spectrogram generation is defined in the oceanscoundscape package based on extensive
# hyper parameter sweeps. Let's grab those here
blue_a_conf = conf.CONF_DICT['blueA']
# BLEDParser needs a path object
bled_path = Path(bled_file)
# parse the detections
parser = BLEDParser(bled_path, blue_a_conf, max_samples=len(x), sampling_rate=sample_rate)
# plot the spectrogram
# add boxes for each normalized detection - detections are normalized to a fixed size (frequency/time) for classification
start_secs = start_hour * 3600
high_freq = blue_a_conf['high_freq']
low_freq = blue_a_conf['low_freq']
duration_secs = blue_a_conf['duration_secs']
freq_window = int(high_freq - low_freq)
for row, item in sorted(
detection_start = item.call_start/sample_rate - start_secs # detections are stored in sample numbers so here we convert back to time
plt.text(detection_start,high_freq - 8,item.Selection, size='x-small', rotation=45)
plt.ylim(10,high_freq + 10)
plt.xlim(1000, 1800)
plt.xlabel('Second of 01 November 2017')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Detected blue whale A calls')
Reading MARS-20171101T000000Z-2kHz.wav.Table01.txt {'low_freq': 70, 'high_freq': 100, 'duration_secs': 25, 'blur_axis': 'frequency', 'num_fft': 1024, 'center': True, 'padding_secs': 3, 'num_mels': 30} Found 21 detections in MARS-20171101T000000Z-2kHz.wav.Table01.txt
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Detected blue whale A calls')
Classification of blue whale A calls¶
We can turn these detected audio signals into images, one for each detected signal, and classify them using a model trained for only A calls.
Create optimized spectrograms¶
Because the model we are demonstrating is image based, the first step to classify the calls is to create optimized spectrograms for each candidate detection.
# read the wav file
xc, sample_rate =
# parse the detections, but this time let's use the entire wav file to allow for padding during denoising
parser_full = BLEDParser(bled_path, blue_a_conf, len(xc), sample_rate)
# grab the spectrogram parameters
call_width = int(blue_a_conf['duration_secs'] * sample_rate)
num_fft = blue_a_conf['num_fft']
hop_length = round(num_fft * (1 - conf.OVERLAP))
# generate optimized spectrograms
print(f'Denoising {bled_file} num detections {parser_full.num_detections}')
# denoise them and store the results in a temporary hdf file cache
cache = denoise.PCENSmooth(Path(f'{bled_path}.hdf'), parser_full, blue_a_conf, xc, sample_rate)
for row, item in sorted(
start = int(call_width / hop_length)
end = int(2 * call_width / hop_length)
data = cache.get_data(item.Selection)
# subset the call, leaving off the padding for PCEN
subset_data = data[:, start:end]
# save to a denoised color image
utils.ImageUtils.colorizeDenoise(subset_data, Path(item.image_filename))
except Exception as ex:
Reading MARS-20171101T000000Z-2kHz.wav.Table01.txt {'low_freq': 70, 'high_freq': 100, 'duration_secs': 25, 'blur_axis': 'frequency', 'num_fft': 1024, 'center': True, 'padding_secs': 3, 'num_mels': 30} Found 21 detections in MARS-20171101T000000Z-2kHz.wav.Table01.txt Denoising MARS-20171101T000000Z-2kHz.wav.Table01.txt num detections 21 Done
Display the spectrogram images¶
images = list( sorted((Path.cwd()).glob('*.jpg')))
plt.rcParams['axes.titlelocation'] = 'center'
for i, image_path in enumerate(images):
# the selection number of part of the filename name,
# e.g. selection 3 20150925T072604.53528828.53552892.sel.03.ch01.spectrogram.jpg
selection ='.')[4]
image_path = str(image_path)
plt.subplot(5, 5, i + 1)
img = plt.imread(image_path)
Download the model¶
MBARI has a trained model that can be used to classify blue A calls. You can find that model in the pacific-sound-models bucket. More details on its performance can be found in the pacific sound model page.
First, download that model then uncompress it. The model should be version 1 and exist in a subdirectory simply called "1".
bucket = 'pacific-sound-models'
model_filename = 'bluewhale-a-resnet50-2022-02-05-01-58-47-285.tar.gz'
key = model_filename
s3.Bucket(bucket).download_file(key, model_filename)
# Alternatively, it can be downloaded directly in SageMaker with
# !aws s3 cp s3://{bucket}/{key} .
!tar -xf {model_filename}
Downloading... Uncompressing Done
['saved_model.pb', 'config.json', 'assets', 'variables']
Load the model weights¶
model = tf.keras.models.load_model("1")
Show the model architecture and grab the normalization parameters¶
Here, we can see the last layer only this model only outputs a 2 wide vector - this is for either blue whale A false or blue whale A true calls. Class labels are defined in the config.json with the model as are the normalization parameters.
Model: "sequential" _________________________________________________________________ Layer (type) Output Shape Param # ================================================================= resnet50 (Functional) (None, 7, 7, 2048) 23587712 _________________________________________________________________ global_average_pooling2d (Gl (None, 2048) 0 _________________________________________________________________ dense (Dense) (None, 2) 4098 ================================================================= Total params: 23,591,810 Trainable params: 23,538,690 Non-trainable params: 53,120 _________________________________________________________________
config = json.load(open('1/config.json'))
image_mean = np.asarray(config["image_mean"])
image_std = np.asarray(config["image_std"])
print(f"Labels {config['classes']}")
print(f"Training image mean: {image_mean}")
print(f"Training image std: {image_std}")
Labels ['baf', 'bat'] Training image mean: [0.18747011 0.66276884 0.68202728] Training image std: [0.03253593 0.01769102 0.01564376]
Run the model on a single image¶
The model outputs an array with the scores between 0-1 for each class. Let's run it on a single image of a strong A call just to verify it is working. The output should be a 2-dimensional numpy array representing each class score. These scores should sum to 1 and the output should be definitely a positive A call "bat" i.e. blue A true in the second index.
batch_size = 1
image_path = '20171101T051942.38365387.38401761.sel.456.ch01.spectrogram.jpg'
image_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path)
image = cv2.cvtColor(image_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# normalize with the same parameters used in training
image_float = np.asarray(image).astype('float32')
image_float = image_float / 255.
image_float = (image_float - image_mean) / ( image_std + 1.e-9)
image_stack = np.concatenate([image_float[np.newaxis, :, :]] * batch_size)
tensor_out = model(image_stack)
# convert the tensor to a numpy array and since this is just a batch size of 1, pull out the single
# prediction
p = tensor_out.numpy()[0]
[0.00773171 0.99226826]
Create a helper function to display the class names instead of just a score¶
def prediction_to_labelscore(prediction: np.array(float)):
# predictor outputs an index but we want to see the string, so let's map back
# to the order the class labels are stored in the config
label_map = {0: 'baf', 1: 'bat'}
# get the index of the top score and its score
top_score_index = np.argmax(prediction)
top_score = prediction[top_score_index]
label = label_map[top_score_index]
return label, top_score
# let's test it with the output above on the single image
plt.imshow(image, aspect='auto')
label, top_score = prediction_to_labelscore(p)
print(f'predicted label {label} score {top_score}')
predicted label bat score 0.9922682642936707
Classify all images¶
Now that we are confident the model runs okay on a single image, let's run it on all the spectrogram images and display them with their associated scores and capture the predictions in a dictionary to use later.
plt.rcParams['axes.titlelocation'] = 'center'
batch_size = 1
predictions = {}
for i, image_path in enumerate(images):
print(f'Running model on {}')
image_bgr = cv2.imread(image_path.as_posix())
image = cv2.cvtColor(image_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
image_float = np.asarray(image).astype('float32')
image_float = image_float / 255.
image_float = (image_float - image_mean) / ( image_std + 1.e-9)
image = np.concatenate([image_float[np.newaxis, :, :]] * batch_size)
tensor_out = model(image)
label, top_score = prediction_to_labelscore(tensor_out.numpy()[0])
predictions[] = {'class': label, 'score': top_score}
plt.subplot(5, 5, i + 1)
img = plt.imread(image_path)
plt.title(f'{selection} {label} {top_score:0.2f}')
Running model on 20171101T051756.38153071.38176055.sel.453.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T051835.38231981.38264663.sel.454.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T051905.38291131.38322435.sel.455.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T051942.38365387.38401761.sel.456.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052021.38443101.38471181.sel.457.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052044.38488367.38540055.sel.458.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052150.38620343.38656691.sel.459.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052222.38685005.38721379.sel.460.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052253.38747353.38778215.sel.461.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052318.38797455.38820387.sel.462.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052341.38842851.38873609.sel.463.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052405.38890379.38923607.sel.464.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052454.38989413.39014347.sel.465.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052527.39055245.39077111.sel.466.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052548.39096143.39122741.sel.467.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052608.39136755.39170373.sel.468.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052705.39250115.39291507.sel.469.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052733.39306587.39352763.sel.470.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052800.39361889.39409469.sel.471.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052828.39417087.39446103.sel.472.ch01.spectrogram.jpg Running model on 20171101T052920.39521815.39557981.sel.473.ch01.spectrogram.jpg
Display confident classifications¶
Now that the classifications have been run on all the potential detections, let's see all true classifications in the 1-second spectrogram with scores greater then 0.7.
# plot the spectrogram
# decorate with boxes for each normalized detection - detections are normalized to a fixed size (frequency/time) for classification
start_secs = 5 * 3600
high_freq = blue_a_conf['high_freq']
low_freq = blue_a_conf['low_freq']
duration_secs = blue_a_conf['duration_secs']
freq_window = int(high_freq - low_freq)
for row, item in sorted(
detection_start = item.call_start/sample_rate - start_secs # detections are stored in sample numbers so here we convert back to time
p = predictions[item.image_filename]
if p['score'] > 0.7 and p['class'] == 'bat':
plt.text(detection_start,high_freq - 8, f'{item.Selection} bat', size='xx-small', rotation=45)
plt.ylim(10,high_freq + 10)
plt.xlim(1000, 1800)
plt.xlabel('Second of 01 November 2017')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Classified blue whale A calls > 0.7 confidence')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Classified blue whale A calls > 0.7 confidence')