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- Maintainer:
- Authors: Yanwu Zhang, Paul McGill, Danelle Cline (, John Ryan
Decimation of MARS hydrophone data¶
An extensive (6+ years and growing) archive of sound recordings from a deep-sea location along the eastern margin of the North Pacific Ocean has been made available through AWS Open data. Temporal coverage of the recording archive has been 95% since project inception in July 2015. The original recordings have a sample rate of 256 kHz. Many research topics can be effectively studied using data with a lower sample rate, and this Open Data project includes daily files decimated to 2 kHz and 16 kHz. The purpose of this notebook is to illustrate a method of optimizing decimation processing, which is applicable to any desired sample rate. The demonstration uses Python, but the algorithms can be implemented in other languages.
This method enables design of the optimal windowed-sinc anti-aliasing low-pass filter (using a certain window) that meets the desired passband and stopband requirements based on signal retention and exclusion needs. The best combination of the sinc function’s cutoff frequency and the main-lobe bandwidth of the window function generates the shortest qualifying filter.
If you use this data set, please cite our project.
Data Overview¶
The full-resolution audio data are in WAV format in s3 buckets named pacific-sound-256khz-yyyy, where yyyy is 2015 or later. Buckets are stored as objects, so the data aren't physically stored in folders or directories as you may be familiar with, but you can think of it conceptually as follows:
individual 10-minute files
Install required dependencies¶
First, let's install the required software dependencies.
If you are using this notebook in a cloud environment, select a Python3 compatible kernel and run this next section. This only needs to be done once for the duration of this notebook.
If you are working on local computer, you can skip this next cell. Change your kernel to pacific-sound-notebooks, which you installed according to the instructions in the README - this has all the dependencies that are needed.
!pip install -q boto3 --quiet
!pip install -q soundfile --quiet
!pip install -q scipy --quiet
!pip install -q numpy --quiet
!pip install -q matplotlib --quiet
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 139.6/139.6 kB 2.6 MB/s eta 0:00:00 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 13.4/13.4 MB 9.7 MB/s eta 0:00:00 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 84.4/84.4 kB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Import all packages¶
import boto3
from botocore import UNSIGNED
from botocore.client import Config
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen
import io
import math
import scipy
from scipy import signal, interpolate
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
List the contents of a monthly directory¶
s3 = boto3.client('s3',
bucket = 'pacific-sound-256khz-2021'
for i, obj in enumerate(s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket)['Contents']):
if i > 20:
01/MARS_20210101_000424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_001424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_002424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_003424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_004424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_005424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_010424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_011424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_012424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_013424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_014424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_015424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_020424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_021424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_022424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_023424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_024424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_025424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_030424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_031424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_032424.wav 01/MARS_20210101_033424.wav
Read metadata from a file¶
bucket = 'pacific-sound-256khz-2021'
filename = '09/MARS_20210915_070829.wav'
url = f'https://{bucket}{filename}'
print(f'Reading metadata from {url}'), verbose=True)
Reading metadata from
<_io.BytesIO object at 0x7c7f35bf7a10> samplerate: 256000 Hz channels: 1 duration: 218 samples format: WAV (Microsoft) [WAV] subtype: Signed 24 bit PCM [PCM_24] endian: FILE sections: 1 frames: 218 extra_info: """ Length : 1000 RIFF : 460800336 (should be 992) WAVE LIST : 292 INFO IART : icListen HF #1689 IPRD : RB9-ETH R4 ICRD : 2021-09-15T07:08:29+00 ISFT : Lucy V4.3.6 INAM : MARS_20210915_070829.wav ICMT : 3.000000 V pk, -177 dBV re 1uPa, 44.0 % RH, 6.0 deg C, 8388608 = Max Count fmt : 16 Format : 0x1 => WAVE_FORMAT_PCM Channels : 1 Sample Rate : 256000 Block Align : 3 Bit Width : 24 Bytes/sec : 768000 data : 460800000 (should be 656) End """
Read data from a file¶
print(f'Reading data from {url}')
x, sample_rate =,dtype='float32')
Reading data from
Produce a spectrogram¶
Calibrated Spectrum Levels¶
Calibration metadata¶
Frequency-dependent hydrophone sensitivity data are defined in the following files, one for each deployment:
Compute spectrogram¶
# convert scaled voltage to volts
v = x*3
nsec = (v.size)/sample_rate # number of seconds in vector
spa = 1 # seconds per average
nseg = int(nsec/spa)
print(f'{nseg} segments of length {spa} seconds in {nsec} seconds of audio')
600 segments of length 1 seconds in 600.0 seconds of audio
lenfft_input = 2**int(np.ceil(np.log2(sample_rate)))
# initialize empty LTSA
nfreq = int(lenfft_input/2+1)
sg_input = np.empty((nfreq, nseg), float)
(131073, 600)
# get window
w_input = scipy.signal.get_window('blackman',sample_rate)
window_correction = np.mean(np.square(w_input))
numDataPoints_input = int(sample_rate*spa)
Ind_keep = np.arange(0, int(lenfft_input/2)+1)
f_input = (Ind_keep/lenfft_input) * sample_rate
# Calculate spectrogram
for x in range(0,nseg):
cstart = x*spa*sample_rate
cend = (x+1)*spa*sample_rate
# f,psd = scipy.signal.welch(v[cstart:cend], fs=sample_rate, window=w_input, nfft=sample_rate)
psd_input = np.square(np.absolute(np.fft.fft(np.multiply(v[cstart:cend],w_input), n=lenfft_input)))/(numDataPoints_input*window_correction)/sample_rate
psd_input_log10 = 10*np.log10(psd_input[Ind_keep])
sg_input[:,x] = psd_input_log10
if (x == 0):
psd_input_check = psd_input
print("Comparing power of the input signal computed in the time domain versus that computed in the frequency domain:")
Comparing power of the input signal computed in the time domain versus that computed in the frequency domain: 0.00012095761 0.000121922813689169
Apply calibration¶
Frequency-dependent hydrophone sensitivity data are reported in the json files identified above. This example file is from the second hydrophone deployment, for which the calibration data are manually entered below. Note that the lowest measured value, at 250 Hz, is assumed to cover lower frequencies and repeated as a value at 0 Hz to allow interpolation to the spectrogram output frequencies across the full frequency range.
# define hydrophone calibration data
calfreq = [0,250,10000,20100,30100,40200,50200,60200,70300,80300,90400,100400,110400,120500,130500,140500,150600,160600,170700,180700,190700,200000]
calsens = [-177.90,-177.90,-176.80,-176.35,-177.05,-177.35,-177.30,-178.05,-178.00,-178.40,-178.85,-180.25,-180.50,-179.90,-180.15,-180.20,-180.75,-180.90,-181.45,-181.30,-180.75,-180.30]
# interpolate to the frequency resolution of the spectrogram
tck = interpolate.splrep(calfreq, calsens, s=0)
isens = interpolate.splev(f_input, tck, der=0)
im = plt.plot(calfreq,calsens,'bo',f_input,isens,'g')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Hydrophone sensitivity (dB re V/uPA)')
plt.legend(['Factory, measured', 'Interpolated'])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7c7efe062b90>
# replicate interpolated sensitivity
isensg = np.transpose(np.tile(isens,[nseg,1]))
(131073, 600)
(131073, 600)
Plot the calibrated spectrogram¶
Extent = [0, nseg-1, 0.0, sample_rate/2.0]
im = plt.imshow(sg_input-isensg,aspect='auto',origin='lower', extent=Extent, vmin=28,vmax=95)
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Calibrated spectrum levels (dB) of the 256 kHz sample-rate input data')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Calibrated spectrum levels (dB) of the 256 kHz sample-rate input data')
In this example, we will decimate the raw data from the original sample rate of 256 kHz down to the final output sample rate of 2 kHz. This decimation processing can be organized into a few steps, as defined below.
Step 1: Allocate the decimation task to two concatenated stages.¶
samplingfreq_output_final = 2e3 # In Hz.
ratio_downsampling = int(sample_rate/samplingfreq_output_final)
# Allocate the decimation to two stages: ratio_downsampling = ratio_downsampling_1st_stage * ratio_downsampling_2nd_stage
# using the algorithm in R. Crochiere and L. Rabiner, L, "Optimum FIR Digital Implementations for Decimation, Interpolation, and Narrow-Band Filtering, "
# IEEE Transactions on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, ASSP-23(5), pp. 444-456, 1975.
ratio_BWoverNyquistfreq = 0.1 # Assuming that in the 2nd stage, the ratio of transition bandwidth over Nyquist frequency is 0.1
ratio_downsampling_1st_stage_tmp = 2.0 * ratio_downsampling *\
# Find the integer closest to ratio_downsampling_1st_stage_tmp, and assign this integer value to ratio_downsampling_1st_stage
ratio_downsampling_1st_stage = 2 # Initialized.
diff = ratio_downsampling # Initialized.
for k in range(2, ratio_downsampling):
if (ratio_downsampling%k == 0):
if (abs(ratio_downsampling_1st_stage_tmp-k) < diff):
diff = abs(ratio_downsampling_1st_stage_tmp-k)
ratio_downsampling_1st_stage = k
ratio_downsampling_2nd_stage = int(ratio_downsampling / ratio_downsampling_1st_stage)
samplingfreq_output_1st_stage = sample_rate / ratio_downsampling_1st_stage # Sampling frequency of the 1st-stage decimation output
print('Raw data sample rate = ' + str(int(sample_rate)) + ' Hz. Final output sample rate = ' + str(int(samplingfreq_output_final)) + ' Hz. Overall decimation factor = ' + str(int(ratio_downsampling)))
print('1st-stage decimator reduces sample rate from ' + str(int(sample_rate)) + ' Hz to ' + str(int(samplingfreq_output_1st_stage)) + ' Hz, at a decimation factor of ' + str(int(ratio_downsampling_1st_stage)))
print('2nd-stage decimator reduces sample rate from ' + str(int(samplingfreq_output_1st_stage)) + ' Hz to ' + str(int(samplingfreq_output_final)) + ' Hz, at a decimation factor of ' + str(int(ratio_downsampling_2nd_stage)))
Raw data sample rate = 256000 Hz. Final output sample rate = 2000 Hz. Overall decimation factor = 128 1st-stage decimator reduces sample rate from 256000 Hz to 8000 Hz, at a decimation factor of 32 2nd-stage decimator reduces sample rate from 8000 Hz to 2000 Hz, at a decimation factor of 4
Step 2: Design the optimized windowed-sinc anti-aliasing filter in each stage.¶
def BlackmanSincFilter(samplingfreq_in, samplingfreq_out, samplingfreq_output_final):
# Blackman window parameters:
alpha = 0.16
a0 = (1.0-alpha)/2.0
a1 = 0.5
a2 = alpha/2.0
lenDFT = 2**14 # Number of FFT data points. Frequency resolution = samplingfreq_in/lenDFT
VectorDFT = np.arange(0, int(lenDFT/2), 1, int)
thresh_dB_stopband = -74.0 # Stopband attenuation when using Blackman filter.
if (samplingfreq_out != samplingfreq_output_final): # 1st-stage
thresh_dB_passband = -0.1
passfreq = samplingfreq_output_final/2.0
stopfreq = samplingfreq_out - passfreq
# For example, in decimation 256 kHz --> 8 kHz --> 2 kHz,
# for the 1st-stage filter: samplingfreq_in = sample_rate = 256 kHz, samplingfreq_out = 8 kHz.
# passfreq = 2kHz/2 = 1 kHz. Thus the passband is from zero to 1 kHz.
# stopfreq = 8 kHz - 1 kHz = 7 kHz. Thus the stopband is from 7 kHz to 128 kHz. (4 kHz is the Nyquist frequency of the 1st-stage filter.)
# When the data is down-sampled from 256 kHz to 8 kHz,
# the passband spectrum from 4 kHz to 7 kHz is aliased and folded back to 1 kHz to 4 kHz.
# Nonetheless, this aliased spectral section (1-4 kHz) will be filtered out in the 2nd-stage decimation.
deltafreq = 100.0 # In Hz. Resolution of the search grid.
MLW = (stopfreq-passfreq) + np.arange(0.0, (deltafreq*(50+1)), deltafreq, float)
# We want the MLW search range to be sufficiently wide yet not too wide in order to reduce computation.
# This range is wider for the 1st-stage filter than for the 2nd-stage filter.
# This range may need adjustment for different values of samplingfreq_in.
thresh_dB_passband = -1.0
bufferband = 100.0 # In Hz. Only for 2nd-stage filter. 256 kHz --> 32 kHz --> 16 kHz,
passfreq = (samplingfreq_out/2.0) - bufferband
stopfreq = samplingfreq_out/2.0
# For example, in decimation 256 kHz --> 8 kHz --> 2 kHz,
# for the 2nd-stage filter: samplingfreq_in = 8 kHz, samplingfreq_out = samplingfreq_output_final = 2 kHz.
# passfreq = 2kHz/2 - 100 Hz = 900 Hz. Thus the passband is from zero to 900 Hz.
# stopfreq = 2kHz/2 = 1 kHz. Thus the stopband is from 1 kHz to 4 kHz. (4 kHz is the Nyquist frequency of the 2nd-stage filter.)
deltafreq = 10.0 # In Hz. Resolution of the search grid.
MLW = (stopfreq-passfreq) + np.arange(0.0, (deltafreq*(20+1)), deltafreq, float)
Cutofffreq_sinc = np.arange(passfreq, stopfreq + deltafreq, deltafreq)
Freq = (VectorDFT/lenDFT)*samplingfreq_in
Ind_passband = np.where(Freq <= passfreq)
Ind_stopband = np.where(Freq >= stopfreq)
Filterlength_Blackman_satisfactory = np.empty((len(Cutofffreq_sinc), len(MLW)))
Filterlength_Blackman_satisfactory[:] = np.NaN
for k in range(len(MLW)):
transitionMLW_radian = (MLW[k] / (samplingfreq_in / 2.0)) * math.pi
filterlength_Blackman_0 = math.ceil(12.0*math.pi/transitionMLW_radian)
if (filterlength_Blackman_0%2 == 0):
filterlength_Blackman = filterlength_Blackman_0 + 1
filterlength_Blackman = filterlength_Blackman_0
# We want filterlength_Blackman to be an odd number,
# so that the filter-induced delay (filterlength_Blackman-1)/2 is an integer. Used below.
Vectortmp = np.arange(0, filterlength_Blackman)
Vectortmp2 = Vectortmp/(filterlength_Blackman-1)
Window_Blackman = a0 - a1*np.cos(2.0*math.pi*Vectortmp2) + a2*np.cos(4.0*math.pi*Vectortmp2)
for m in range(len(Cutofffreq_sinc)):
SincFun = np.sinc(2.0*(Cutofffreq_sinc[m]/samplingfreq_in)*(Vectortmp-((filterlength_Blackman-1)/2)))
Filter_Blackman_0 = np.multiply(SincFun, Window_Blackman)
Filter_Blackman = Filter_Blackman_0/np.sum(Filter_Blackman_0)
DFT_filter_Blackman_0 = np.fft.fft(Filter_Blackman, lenDFT)
DFT_filter_Blackman = DFT_filter_Blackman_0[0:int(lenDFT/2)]
Mag_dB = 20.0*np.log10(np.abs(DFT_filter_Blackman[VectorDFT]))
if ((min(Mag_dB[Ind_passband]) >= thresh_dB_passband) and (max(Mag_dB[Ind_stopband]) <= thresh_dB_stopband)):
Filterlength_Blackman_satisfactory[m][k] = filterlength_Blackman
Vec_filterlength_Blackman_satisfactory = np.reshape(Filterlength_Blackman_satisfactory, (1, (len(MLW)*len(Cutofffreq_sinc))), order='F')
indtmp = np.nanargmin(Vec_filterlength_Blackman_satisfactory)
ind_MLW_minfilterlength = math.floor(indtmp/len(Cutofffreq_sinc))
ind_CutofffreqSinc_minfilterlength = indtmp - (ind_MLW_minfilterlength * len(Cutofffreq_sinc))
# Having found the optimized combination of MLW and CutofffreqSinc, now we formulate the optimal Blackman-sinc low-pass filter:
transitionMLW_radian = (MLW[ind_MLW_minfilterlength] / (samplingfreq_in/2.0)) * math.pi
filterlength_Blackman_0 = math.ceil(12.0*math.pi/transitionMLW_radian)
if (filterlength_Blackman_0%2 == 0):
filterlength_Blackman = filterlength_Blackman_0 + 1
filterlength_Blackman = filterlength_Blackman_0
Vectortmp = np.arange(0, filterlength_Blackman)
Vectortmp2 = Vectortmp/(filterlength_Blackman-1)
Window_Blackman = a0 - a1*np.cos(2.0*math.pi*Vectortmp2) + a2*np.cos(4.0*math.pi*Vectortmp2)
SincFun = np.sinc(2.0*(Cutofffreq_sinc[ind_CutofffreqSinc_minfilterlength]/samplingfreq_in)*(Vectortmp-((filterlength_Blackman-1)/2)))
Filter_Blackman_0 = np.multiply(SincFun, Window_Blackman)
Filter_Blackman = Filter_Blackman_0 / np.sum(Filter_Blackman_0)
return Filter_Blackman
Filter_1st_stage = BlackmanSincFilter(sample_rate, samplingfreq_output_1st_stage, samplingfreq_output_final)
Filter_2nd_stage = BlackmanSincFilter(samplingfreq_output_1st_stage, samplingfreq_output_final, samplingfreq_output_final)
print('Length of first stage filter: ' + str(int(len(Filter_1st_stage))))
print('Length of second stage filter: ' + str(int(len(Filter_2nd_stage))))
Length of first stage filter: 205 Length of second stage filter: 321
Step 3: Run the raw input data through the 1st-stage filter, downsample, then through the 2nd-stage filter, and down-sample again.¶
S_filtered_1_full = np.convolve(v, Filter_1st_stage, 'full')
S_filtered_1 = S_filtered_1_full[0:len(v)]
S_filtered_1_decimated = S_filtered_1[0:len(S_filtered_1):ratio_downsampling_1st_stage]
S_filtered_2 = np.convolve(S_filtered_1_decimated, Filter_2nd_stage, 'same');
S_filtered_2_decimated = S_filtered_2[0:len(S_filtered_2):ratio_downsampling_2nd_stage]
# Verify power is conserved through the decimation process:
Compute and plot the spectrogram of the decimated data¶
nsec_decimated = (S_filtered_2_decimated.size)/samplingfreq_output_final # number of seconds in vector
nseg_decimated = int(nsec_decimated/spa)
print('{nseg} segments of length {spa} seconds in {nsec} seconds of audio')
lenfft_decimated = 2**int(np.ceil(np.log2(samplingfreq_output_final)))
numDataPoints_decimated = int(samplingfreq_output_final*spa)
Ind_keep_decimated = np.arange(int(0), int(lenfft_decimated/2+1))
f_decimated = (Ind_keep_decimated/lenfft_decimated) * samplingfreq_output_final
# initialize empty LTSA
nfreq_decimated = int(lenfft_decimated/2+1)
sg_decimated = np.empty((nfreq_decimated, nseg_decimated), float)
# get window
w_decimated = scipy.signal.get_window('blackman', numDataPoints_decimated)
# Calculate spectrogram
for x_decimated in range(0,nseg_decimated):
cstart_decimated = x_decimated*spa*int(samplingfreq_output_final)
cend_decimated = (x_decimated+1)*spa*int(samplingfreq_output_final)
# f_decimated,psd_decimated = scipy.signal.welch(S_filtered_2_decimated[cstart_decimated:cend_decimated], fs=samplingfreq_output_final, window=w_decimated, noverlap=0, nfft=lenfft_decimated)
psd_decimated = (np.square(np.absolute(np.fft.fft(np.multiply(S_filtered_2_decimated[cstart_decimated:cend_decimated],w_decimated), n=lenfft_decimated))))/(numDataPoints_decimated*window_correction)/samplingfreq_output_final
psd_decimated_log10 = 10*np.log10(psd_decimated[Ind_keep_decimated])
sg_decimated[:,x_decimated] = np.transpose(psd_decimated_log10)
if (x == 0):
psd_decimated_check = psd_decimated
print("Comparing power of the decimated signal computed in the time domain versus that computed in the frequency domain:")
isens_FreqRangeAfterDecimation = interpolate.splev(f_decimated, tck, der=0)
isensg_FreqRangeAfterDecimation = np.transpose(np.tile(isens_FreqRangeAfterDecimation,[nseg,1]))
Extent = [0, nseg_decimated-1, 0.0, samplingfreq_output_final/2.0]
im = plt.imshow(sg_decimated-isensg_FreqRangeAfterDecimation, aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=Extent, vmin=28,vmax=95)
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Calibrated spectrum levels (dB) of the 2 kHz sample-rate decimated data')
{nseg} segments of length {spa} seconds in {nsec} seconds of audio 2048
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Calibrated spectrum levels (dB) of the 2 kHz sample-rate decimated data')
Compare PSDs of the input data and the decimated data for verification purposes¶
plt.plot(f_decimated, sg_decimated[:,0], label='256-kHz sample-rate input data')
plt.plot(f_input, sg_input[:,0], label='Decimated 2-kHz sample-rate decimated data')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('PSD (dB)')
plt.title('Comparison of PSDs of one-second data')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7c7ed4882b90>