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HMB Generation

pbp-hmb-gen is the main program for generating the HMB product. It processes ocean audio data archives to daily analysis products of hybrid millidecade spectra using PyPAM.

The program accepts several options. A typical use mainly involves the following:

Option To indicate
--json-base-dir Base directory for JSON files
--date Date to be processed
--add-quality-flag Add quality flag variable (with value 2 - 'Not evaluated') to the generated NetCDF file.
--global-attrs URI of a YAML file with global attributes to be added to the NetCDF file
--variable-attrs URI of a YAML file with attributes to associate with the variables in the NetCDF file
--output-dir Output directory
--output-prefix Output filename prefix
--subset-to Subset of the resulting PSD in terms of central frequency

Also, the following depending on the recorder:

Option To indicate
--voltage-multiplier applied on the loaded signal
--sensitivity-uri URI of sensitivity NetCDF for calibration of result
--sensitivity-flat-value flat sensitivity value to be used for calibration


Since PBP 1.6.0, the generated NetCDF files are compressed by default. The new --no-netcdf-compression option can be used to disable this feature.


$ pbp-hmb-gen --help
usage: [-h] [--version] --json-base-dir dir [--audio-base-dir dir] [--global-attrs uri] [--set-global-attr key value] [--variable-attrs uri] [--audio-path-map-prefix from~to] [--audio-path-prefix dir] --date YYYYMMDD [--voltage-multiplier value]
                             [--sensitivity-uri file] [--sensitivity-flat-value value] --output-dir dir [--output-prefix prefix] [--no-netcdf-compression] [--add-quality-flag] [--s3] [--s3-unsigned] [--gs] [--download-dir dir] [--assume-downloaded-files]
                             [--retain-downloaded-files] [--max-segments num] [--subset-to lower upper]

Process ocean audio data archives to daily analysis products of hybrid millidecade spectra using PyPAM.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --json-base-dir dir   JSON base directory
  --audio-base-dir dir  Audio base directory. By default, none
  --global-attrs uri    URI of JSON file with global attributes to be added to the NetCDF file.
  --set-global-attr key value
                        Replace {{key}} with the given value for every occurrence of {{key}} in the global attrs file.
  --variable-attrs uri  URI of JSON file with attributes to associate to the variables in the NetCDF file.
  --audio-path-map-prefix from~to
                        Prefix mapping to get actual audio uri to be used. Example: 's3://pacific-sound-256khz-2022~file:///PAM_Archive/2022'.
  --audio-path-prefix dir
                        Ad hoc path prefix for sound file location, for example, /Volumes. By default, no prefix applied.
  --date YYYYMMDD       The date to be processed.
  --voltage-multiplier value
                        Applied on the loaded signal.
  --sensitivity-uri file
                        URI of sensitivity NetCDF for calibration of result. Has precedence over --sensitivity-flat-value.
  --sensitivity-flat-value value
                        Flat sensitivity value to be used for calibration.
  --output-dir dir      Output directory
  --output-prefix prefix
                        Output filename prefix
                        Do not compress the generated NetCDF file.
  --add-quality-flag    Add quality flag variable (with value 2 - 'Not evaluated') to the generated NetCDF file.
  --s3                  s3 access is involved, possibly with required credentials.
  --s3-unsigned         s3 access is involved, not requiring credentials.
  --gs                  gs access involved.
  --download-dir dir    Directory for any downloads (e.g., when s3 or gs is involved).
                        If any destination file for a download exists, assume it was downloaded already.
                        Do not remove any downloaded files after use.
  --max-segments num    Test convenience: limit number of segments to process. By default, 0 (no limit).
  --subset-to lower upper
                        Subset the resulting PSD to [lower, upper), in terms of central frequency.

    pbp-hmb-gen --json-base-dir=tests/json \
        --audio-base-dir=tests/wav \
        --date=20220902 \