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Noteworthy frontend changes

The backend change log is here.


Note: New user authentication enabled at


The 4.90.x series introduces a new user authentication system, which is currently under testing at a separate location. Please see this section.


4.82.3 (2024-12-19)

  • Mission tab: The value cell for a parameter with name containing "depth", and with value greater that the value of the MaxDepth primary mission parameter, is highlighted to bring attention to the potential issue. A tooltip shows the respective values.


    • The depth value is compared to the MaxDepth value without considering the units.

    Thanks, Paul R., for the suggestion!

4.82.2 (2024-12-06)

  • The display of Google base layers on the map got recently broken apparently due to incompatible Google API changes affecting the library used by the dash. This has been fixed.

4.82.1 (2024-11-06)

  • Maintenance release.

4.82.0 (2024-10-30)

  • Maintenance release, including various style adjustments.


4.81.2 (2024-10-17)

  • Fix to a bug related to resetting string mission parameters. Thanks, Quinn, for reporting and testing.

4.81.1 (2024-10-15)

  • Argos location class accuracy rings are now displayed on the map. For each Argos position, the following are displayed:

    • A center point, which displays the usual details via tooltip.
    • A circle, whose radius is determined as follows depending on LC value:
      • LC=3 Accuracy: Within 150 meters
      • LC=2 Accuracy: Within 350 meters
      • LC=1 Accuracy: Within 1000 meters
      • LC=0 Accuracy: More than 1000 meters -> No circle shown


  • The LRAUV entry under the layers dropdown on the map was previously only included depending on availability of recent GPS fixes. Now the LRAUV entry is always included, allowing to display any Argos positions, planned waypoints, emergency positions, etc. Thanks, Brian K., for the heads-up.
  • Fixes in the backend related to the Send via options for issuing command or mission. See the backend change log.
  • Version bumped to align with that of the backend.


4.70.5 (2024-08-03)

  • Bug fixed in the Send via section under the Command and Mission tabs: Just changing the cell timeout value was also selecting the 'Cell only' option.
  • Styling improvements (for both light and dark modes): In the Mission tab, more prominent options and legible tooltips related to overridden parameters and the expanding/collapsing of sections.

4.70.4 (2024-07-29)

  • When opening the submit dialog for a command that was selected from the Recently-used dropdown, the previously used comment is now pre-selected so the user can quickly replace it or edit it as needed. Same behavior when submitting a mission, that is, when starting from the Re-run button, or when selecting from the Recent dropdown.
  • For consistency, same cell timeout value by default in both Command and Mission tabs.

(Thanks, Monique, for the great feedback!)

  • Minor adjustments/fixes in the Send via section.

4.70.2 (2024-07-09)

Now with only three options in the Send via section under the Command and Mission tabs. Tooltips summarize the effect of each option.

  • Cell then Sat: This is the traditional dispatch, but now with user-given timeout(*). If the command is not fetched within this time by the vehicle, then it is sent via Sat and a note event (with TethysDash as author) is generated with text looking like:

    Command sent via Sat due to timeout while waiting for 'sim' to fetch it via cell: '...'

    (*) Note

    • A positive timeout must be provided to give the vehicle a chance to fetch the command. (Recall that it is the vehicle that always initiates cell connection.) That is, a zero or very small cell timeout value would most likely have the effect of the command being sent via Sat.
    • In the original dispatch there was always a fixed cell timeout (5 minutes).
  • Cell only: Only via cell, and also with required timeout; If the command is not fetched within this time, the command is discarded and a note event is generated with text looking like:

    Timeout while waiting for 'sim' to fetch command via cell: '...'

  • Sat only: Only via email to Iridium or alternative email address; no timeout involved.

Thanks, Steve H. and Brian K., for the feedback!

4.70.0 (2024-06-19)

Happy Juneteenth!

  • Added "Send only via" options for issuing command or mission. Corresponding backend support added in 4.70.8.

    The options:

    • No preference: For usual dispatch.
    • Cell: For sending the command via cell connection only. In this case with a required timeout. The command will be discarded if the vehicle does not connect to the dash backend and fetch it within this timeout. A note event will be generated in this case, looking like:

      Note by TethysDash: Timeout while waiting for 'sim' to fetch command '...'

    • Sat (emailing): for sending the command via Iridium only (or to one of the alternative email addresses, if configured).

    Many thanks, Steve, for the feedback!

  • For the AT: option in the command/mission scheduling section, to facilitate verification, there is now a text displaying the time remaining until the given date, relative to the current time. The text looks like: (In 2h:37m from now).

  • Other various adjustments.


4.65.0 (2024-06-18)

pre-release -- internal under testing


4.64.2 (2024-06-17)

  • Upon selecting the Command tab, everything in it resets to defaults, except the command text itself, which is remembered but only until the command is submitted. In particular, scheduling is reset to ASAP. Thanks, Monique and Steve, for the heads-up and feedback.

4.64.0 (2024-05-01)

  • Scheduling details are now reset upon selecting a mission or when discarding a mission preparation. This has the intended effect of having "ASAP" as the default scheduling option, no matter what the original scheduling was when using the re-run feature or when selecting a mission from the Recent/Frequent Runs dropdowns. Thanks, Monique, for reporting this issue (apparently, a regression).


4.63.4 (2024-04-29)

  • Fix: Re-running a mission (using Re-run button, or when picking from the Recent/frequent Runs dropdowns) did not preserve overrides in inserts. This was actually broken for a long time, coming from rather convoluted/legacy code. Thanks, Monique, for the report!

4.63.3 (2024-04-26)

  • In the Mission tab, some fixes involving overridden boolean parameters:

    • Translation of True and False values, as presented in the UI, to 1 bool and 0 bool, respectively, as accepted by the LRAUV.
    • Fixed issue with the parsing of the composite command associated with a "re-run" mission with multiple set (sub)commands, some of which involving boolean values.

    Thanks, Yanwu, for reporting and testing!

4.63.1 (2024-04-22)

  • The close button in vehicle coloring dropdown was not having effect: fixed.

4.63.0 (2024-03-27)

  • Maintenance release upon the addition of MBARI copyright header added to source files.


4.62.0 (2024-02-13)

  • Fix in listing of mission directory where the "master" branch was always used when no deployment is active, instead of using the currently checked out branch. Thanks, Quinn, for the report.


4.60.1 (2024-01-16)

  • More complete cell connection status tooltip and improved dialog for legibility.

  • Other minor adjustments and internal code cleanup.

4.60.0 (2023-12-21)

  • Improved layout of admin pages (including the one with the application logging)
  • Improved layout of 'Cell Connection Status' dialog.
  • Fixed the individual lat or lon paste issue. The individual paste handling was intended also for the case of a combined lat,lon text to populate both fields, but this was causing issues, probably a regression. Such functionality may not even be known to many users, and it is not really intuitive anyway. The simple solution is to remove the paste handling for the individual input fields. NOTE: the button for the combined paste action is still there and functional (as is the copy one).
  • (Internal) Upgrade of some underlying dependencies.


4.55.3 (2023-12-14)

  • Waypoint editor: The incorrect handling of the clipboard paste action in the longitude field has been fixed, at least partially. This was previously effecting the whole row, but of course, it should only capture the value in the field itself. However, a repeated paste action in this field is not yet properly handled. Thanks, Jared, for reporting.

4.55.2 (2023-11-16)

  • In the mission scheduling section, to avoid confusion, all the options are now disabled until a mission is loaded. Thanks, Brent J., for the feedback.
  • More adjustments/fixes related to the handling of changed/unchanged boolean parameters.

4.55.0 (2023-11-09)

  • A fix related to proper determination of changed boolean parameters in .tl missions when preparing for scheduling. Toggling the checkbox twice (that is, coming back to the original value) would still make the logic consider the parameter as modified thus unnecessarily including the parameter in the issued payload. Thanks, Quinn, for reporting. This happened only with .tl missions, whose parameter description uses all-lowercase literals for boolean values, which, on the other hand, are capitalized in XML missions.


4.54.2 (2023-10-05)

  • The display of the map that gets exposed under the Data tab has been fixed.

    NOTE: The fix for this has actually been in the backend, where such content with the map (and data charts) is generated. More details in the backend change log.

4.54.2 (2023-10-02)

  • The dialog that captures the date and time for mission and command scheduling has been improved. The dialog is now modal when there are modifications (that is, pressing Esc or clicking outside won't close it), takes a bit of less space and is more responsive. The accept and cancel buttons are now at the top right.

    (Thanks, Jared, for the feedback!)


4.53.3 (2023-09-18)

  • The piloting time recorded by PIC and On-Call operators is now reported to admin users as part of the deployment report.

4.53.0 (2023-09-01)

  • General improvements in dispatch of clone synchronization of the lrauv-mission and lrauv-config repositories:

    • Reorganized layout of the Sync M/C dialog, with improved dispatch of each repo

    • New "Show" button to display the tags associated to the repo upon syncing. By default, the table shows the most recent tag first:

    • See also associated backend changes.


4.52.6 (2023-08-30)

  • Docs tab: All unattached documents can now be attached to the selected vehicle in a single action:

    • Along with the usual "Only show documents with name containing <LRAUV>" checkbox, there's now a "Not attached to <LRAUV>" checkbox, which allows to only display documents not attached to the selected vehicle.
    • When both checkboxes are selected, a new button becomes available, which allows to attach all displayed documents to the selected vehicle.

4.52.5 (2023-08-30)

  • Added a checkbox to the log table so one can sort the events by eventId instead of the usual reported timestamp. Such eventId is incrementally assigned by the database as events are added, so this should help follow the actual sequence of generated events and even help diagnose possible issues related to timestamping by the vehicle.

4.52.4 (2023-08-04)

As an ad hoc solution for more accurate depth calculation on non-sea bodies of water (like the Great Lakes), a depth correction mechanism has been implemented:

  • Using the Polygons layer, the user can define a polygon with properties including a depth correction value:

      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "depthCorrection": 175.7,
        "color": "yellow",
        "fillOpacity": 0
      "geometry": {
         "type": "Polygon",
          "coordinates": [...]

  • Upon fetching the depth from the Elevation API, dash4 checks the currently defined polygons that include a depthCorrection property to see if the position is within any of them. If so, the associated depth correction is applied.

4.52.3 (2023-08-02)

  • Operators can now sign off as PIC or On-Call even after deployment has ended.
  • Displayed elapsed time while signed-in was incorrect: fixed.

4.52.1 (2023-08-01)

  • Adjustments to the PIC/On-Call sign-in/off workflow:

    • When signing off, the operator is now asked to enter an estimate of the actual time spent during the watch-standing session.

    • Reverted to the original implementation where multiple operators could be concurrently signed-in as PIC. If someone else has already signed in, the previous person now has a chance to enter the sign-off action and log the time spent.


4.51.0 (2023-07-17)

  • The NONE scheduling option has been removed. Per the legacy UI (simply reflected in subsequent UIs), this actually had the same effect as "After mission", but of course this was redundant and confusing.


4.50.6 (2023-07-11)

  • Email notification settings dialog: The Save, Reset, and Delete-All buttons are now located at the top left of the dialog. This avoids the need to scroll to the right, which would sometimes become problematic depending on window size. Thanks, Steve, for the suggestion!

4.50.5 (2023-06-01)

  • Internal adjustments per backend 4.50.5.

4.50.1 (2023-05-16)

  • Display adjustment for "hs2dash" related events per backend 4.50.1: the text field for the associated sbdReceive and logPath events is now used to capture a "header" in those cases.


4.40.9 (2023-05-13)

  • The "Other" section in the Layers dropdown has been removed. Over time, as we added support for tracking database assets and other map related features, this section turned out to imply a potentially unnecessary "double selection" to see the selected tracking database assets on the map. As part of this change, the associated zoom-to and mouseover functionality (which is common across all layers) were moved to the TrackDB dropdown itself.

4.40.8 (2023-05-04)

  • One can now define circles for the map by using the "stations" feature: Along with the latitude and longitude attributes in the usual definition of a "station," you can include, under the properties section, a radiusMeters attribute with the desired circle radius in meters. Dash will then display this "station" as a circle.

    Note: In general, stations are by default displayed with small circle markers, whose radius is internally given and measured in pixel (not meter) units. An explicit radiusMeters attribute overrides this default behavior.

4.40.7 (2023-05-01)

  • Waypoint dashed lines are now displayed with some transparency. Thanks, Steve H., for the suggestion.

  • Fix: Map's Status button was included during playback, however, this is not appropriate as the status widgets do not support playback.

  • Fix: Waypoint lines were not always showing up on the map. Thanks, Steve H., for reporting.

4.40.6 (2023-04-24)

  • Fix a regression in the Deployments report feature: the download options were broken. Thanks, Quinn S., for the heads-up.

4.40.5 (2023-04-21)

  • Dark mode handling adjustments (and for better consistency with the main TethysDash system page):

    • The Toggle/dropdown is now located in the top right corner, for both desktop and mobile devices.
    • Now with "auto" option for synchronizing with OS setting.

4.40.4 (2023-04-20)

  • Only internal adjustments, and sync of backend and frontend versions.

4.40.3 (2023-04-15)

  • Layout adjustments and fixes in the 'Status' dropdown area.

4.40.2 (2023-04-11)

  • Minor internal adjustments.

4.40.1 (2023-04-10)

  • This is an important release of the Dash UI component, but only with internal adjustments, which are mainly related to decoupling its deployment mechanism from that of the main TethysDash system. The new mechanism is also being implemented in other components toward a more flexible, streamlined, and automated release workflow.


4.32.1 (2023-04-07)

  • A fix related to the new vehicle color handling: the original or adjusted colors are now immediately reflected on first load of the webapp.
  • Alignment with updated backend.

4.32.0 (2023-04-06)

  • The user can now override the LRAUV vehicle colors reported from the backend, for their display on the map. Use the new button on the top left of the map. Any change in color association is immediately saved (in your browser's local storage) but you may need to click the reload button to see the effect right away. Use the Reset buttons to restore the default colors.

  • Bug fix: Non-operator users were not able to edit their notification settings. (Thanks, Ryan G., for reporting.)


4.31.1 (2023-03-17)

  • Open-in-new-window button for the status widget has been moved to avoid obscuring the sparkline.

4.31.0 (2023-03-13)

  • Minor styling adjustment for "hotspot" related events as recently implemented in the backend for acoustic comms.


4.30.2 (2023-02-17)

  • No frontend changes; alignment with backend version.

4.30.1 (2023-02-13)


4.25.0 (2023-02-08)

  • Per relevant adjustment in the backend API, the "Generate DList" button in the Deployment tab is now always available for the deployment, even if its 'launch' or 'recovery' events are not yet recorded.


4.24.0 (2023-01-26)


4.23.0 (2022-11-21)

  • Backend and frontend adjustments regarding configurability related to the URLs of the status widgets.


4.22.8 (2022-11-17)

  • More detailed cell connection information, now including last time the vehicle itself has connected via the DataLink endpoint. Both the tooltip and the dialog associated to this feature have been updated.

4.22.5 (2022-11-10)

  • Added admin option to delete user accounts.
    Thanks Ryan G. (WHOI) for the heads-up and testing.

4.22.4 (2022-11-07)

4.22.1 (2022-10-17)

4.22.0 (2022-10-07) Backend maintenance release.


4.21.0 (2022-10-04) Backend maintenance release.

4.21.0 (2022-09-28)

  • Proper release with the recent fixes and other maintenance work.


4.20.0 patched (2022-09-23)

4.20.0 (2022-09-19)

  • Regression fixed in the "Build a command" feature: The UI now handles the new ARG_LIST argument type that was added on the LRAUV side a few months ago, where several input fields across various possible commands were changed to the new type. With configSet as an example, this now looks like this:


4.12.8 (2022-09-18)

  • Fixed regression that prevented the proper handling of possible mission script migration (from .xml to .tl) when using the "Re-run" button, or when selecting a mission from the "recently used" or "frequently used" dropdowns.

4.12.7 (2022-09-12)

  • Fixed issue that prevented the UI from remembering the "Auto reload my last vehicle selection" setting.

4.12.6 (2022-08-31); 4.12.5 (2022-08-22)

4.12.4 (2022-08-11)

  • The "Auto reload my last vehicle selection when opening Dash" setting is now pre-enabled by default. You can opt out or adjust this as desired in the General section of the Frontend Settings dialog.

4.12.2 (2022-08-09)

  • The heuristic to recognize waypoint parameters in mission scripts has been expanded. These parameters are used by the waypoint editor and when displaying the waypoints during mission execution.

4.12.0 (2022-07-22)

  • No visible changes (other than the version number).
  • Modifications in the backend.


4.11.5 (2022-07-18)

  • Adjustment in request per update in the backend. If already open, the frontend page will need to be reloaded.

4.11.4 (2022-07-12)

  • No visible changes. (additions in the backend.)

4.11.3 (2022-07-01)

  • Given the various mission script migrations from .xml to .tl that are taking place, for the mission re-run feature as well as when selecting a mission from the recent- or frequent-run dropdowns, now Dash displays a confirmation dialog proposing the user to try the alternative mission name:

4.11.2 (2022-06-23)

  • Only internal changes.

4.11.1 (2022-06-21)

  • Fixes related to the display of waypoints for TethysL missions. (As with XML, such display is only available for missions with recognized lat/lon parameters).
  • The account button now includes the name of the user (in an abbreviated form).


4.10.9 (2022-06-13)

  • Better alignment with the ODSS in terms of coloring of LRAUV positions on the map.

4.10.8 (2022-06-12)

  • Internal: removal of long unneeded "pusher" dependency, both from frontend and backend (also, lots of cleanup in the latter). Our direct websockets based mechanism has proved reliable for a good while already.

4.10.7 (2022-06-06)

  • With a fix in the backend, the system now properly handles the desired maximum number of positions to display on the map. (Thanks, Brett, for the report).

4.10.7 (2022-05-27)

  • Adjustments in underlying asynchronous message handling.
  • A popup notification should now get displayed upon expiration of the session as reported from the backend server. The user will be advised to sign in again.

4.10.6 (2022-05-26)

  • New Status button in the map area to display the LRAUV and ESP status widgets (if available) for the selected vehicles. The expanded area allows for various sizes and can be "pinned" (so it auto-reopens next time the Map tab is selected).

4.10.5 (2022-05-25)

  • Improved visualization of the various positions on the map: hovering your mouse under the "Layers" dropdown now triggers a corresponding highlight on the map for entries that were not considered before, including GPS fixes, waypoints, reached waypoints, emergency positions, Argos positions, and tracking DB assets:

    • Circles and connecting lines are drawn for these specific entries, as well as a label for each point indicating corresponding lat/lon.
    • For grouping nodes (e.g., a specific LRAUV like "brizo", or the "LRAUVs" root), only circles are drawn (for all associated points).

  • Fixed a regression where the waypoint layer was not auto-refreshing when adding/removing an LRAUV.

4.10.4 / 4.10.3 (2022-05-24)

  • The vehicle/tab selection is now retained when the user signs in. Thanks for the suggestion, Monique.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the pre-selection of some layers (GPS fixes, waypoints, reached waypoints, emergency locations) from being displayed on the map upon the addition of an LRAUV. This was a regression arising from the recent added feature of saving the layer selection in local storage. (Thanks for reporting, Monique, Brent, Steve.)

4.10.2 (2022-05-23)

  • Improvements under Map > Layers, including:

    • New ability to save a marker as a station: use the new button for this in the marker popup.

      The station will be overwritten if already existing. Note that the marker itself will still remain as such upon saving the location as a station. You can then remove it if you'd like.

    • Section renamed to "My markers" to emphasize they are only stored locally.

    • Latitude/longitude info is included again in the tooltip for stations.
    • Other adjustments/fixes.

4.10.1 / 4.10.0 (2022-05-10)

  • Under the "Layers" dropdown in the Map tab, this version brings enhancements related to the definition of stations, and a new similar handling for polygons:
    • Stations can now be defined/updated in the Dash UI itself. More details here.
    • New "Polygons" category, with a similar dispatch. More details here.
  • The layer selection is now saved in the local storage of your browser.


4.9.8 (2022-04-25)

  • Adjustments in backend and docker-based release.

4.9.7 (2022-04-18)

  • Adjustments in backend and docker-based release.

4.9.6 (2022-04-04)

  • 4.9.6 is a proper release after satisfactory operations with the 4.9.6pre1 prerelease. The key enhancement in this version is that operators can now schedule mission scripts that have been written in TethysL. From the Dash user perspective, the handling of such missions is done exactly as with the usual XML scripts.
    👉 More details here.

  • A link to mission documentation is now included in the Mission tab.

  • The frontend settings related to the "Current Position Point Cloud" have been moved to the Map section in the dialog (from the Experimental section).

4.9.6pre1 (2022-03-17)

  • Preparations for allowing operators to schedule mission scripts that have been written in TethysL.

4.9.52 (2022-02-11)

  • Maintenance release.

4.9.51 (2022-02-04)

  • Layout adjustments in the email notification settings dialog.

4.9.5 (2022-02-03)

  • Debug options to facilitate diagnosing issue with unreported events from the backend depending on selection of event types.
  • Fixed elapsed times in the async subscriber dialog during playback mode.
  • (Internal) Upgraded underlying framework.
  • (Backend) Fixed regression in email notification handling. (Thanks, Brian, for the report.)

4.9.4 (2022-02-01)

  • Dash logging enhancements.

4.9.3 / 4.9.2 (2022-01-31)

  • Adjustment is scale control.
  • Validation of regular expression in the email notification settings.

4.9.1 (2022-01-25)

  • The waypoint popup on the map (displayed when clicking one of the planned trajectory lines) now uses a scroll area to avoid the popup to get too tall when there are many waypoints to list.
  • A scale control added to the map.

  • Under testing: In the email notification settings, for every notification line where the text filter is used, operators can now indicate the type of filtering to be applied, with three options:

    • L: Literal, meaning the usual simple substring check
    • G: Glob filtering
    • R: Regex filtering

4.9.0 (2022-01-24)

  • Various minor style adjustments in the frontend, including:

    • more prominent display of Default mission has been running for ... events
    • adjustment in the "Async users/sessions" dialog pagination
  • NOTE: More significant changes are in the backend component, regarding the removal of the legacy TethysDash UI, see here.

Note: The legacy TethysDash UI will be shut down on January 21, 2022

Dec 17, 2021: On Oct 19, 2021, we announced a plan to decommission the legacy TethysDash UI in early 2022. The prompt feedback received (thanks again!), has allowed us not only fix some behaviors but also enhance Dash4 in general. These various improvements have already been tested and well received, and we have now determined a concrete shutdown date as indicated above.


4.8.97 (2022-01-20)

  • Backend fix in the logic that handles incoming SBD emails.
    Many thanks Ryan G. (WHOI) for your valuable input and testing!
  • Other adjustments in the backend (in preparation for legacy UI removal).

4.8.93 - 4.8.92 (2022-01-14)

  • Backend fix in the logic that gathers the waypoint information that then gets displayed on the map upon the Started mission event.

  • New generation of grid mapping waypoints (#96).

    See Waypoint Generation.

4.8.7 (2021-12-16)

  • Adjustments/fixes and more documentation to recently added features.

4.8.6 (2021-12-15)

  • New features under testing. These can be enabled in the General section of the Frontend Settings:

    • [ ] Auto reload my last vehicle selection when opening Dash
    • [ ] Include advanced modes for event filtering.

      See Advanced filtering.

    (Thanks, Mike G., for the suggestions.)

  • Font size adjustments to address display issues that occur in some Windows/Chrome environments. Thanks, Yanwu, for the heads-up and testing.

4.8.5 (2021-12-14)

  • Improved refresh handling in vehicle selection dropdown: This refresh now reflects changes in the available list of vehicles according to the branch that is currently checked out in the lrauv-config repository clone maintained by the backend.

4.8.4 (2021-12-13)

  • Critical security dependency update applied in the backend.

4.8.3 (2021-11-18)

  • Deployment report page now with a Download as... button to download the generated report in one of the following format options: plain text, HTML, markdown.

4.8.2 (2021-11-16)

  • WIP: New handling of Argos battery low flag indication.

4.8.1 (2021-11-15)

  • Improvements in the functionality related to the Map tab:

    • Now used is a new backend mechanism that should make the display of vehicle positions more reliable in general.
    • In case of any emergency events, these will now be included on the map.
    • The "Map" section in the Frontend Settings now includes a 'Maximum time in hours to show positions' parameter, which will be applied along with the usual 'Maximum number of GPS positions to display per vehicle' parameter for actual display of the positions on the map.
    • Although all relevant asynchronous events are handled to keep the map up-to-date, there's now also a refresh button to facilitate explicit updates.


    Various backend and frontend components were updated as part of the above, so your feedback would be especially welcome here.

4.8.0 / 4.7.9 (2021-11-09)

  • Adjustments in deployment and git tag listings:

    • Bug fix: Under the Deployment tab, no more filtering out of any non-standard tag names when listing deployments. This was inconsistent with the inclusion of such tags in the selection dropdown when initially starting a deployment.
      (Thanks, Mike G., for the heads-up.)
    • Along with the above, some related improvements:
      • The git tag selection dropdown is now sorted by tag date, not by tag name (this mainly because not all tags may follow the "standard" naming convention YYYY-MM-DD).
      • As operators are typically only interested in a few of the most recent tags, now a maximum number of tags is displayed in the dropdown, by default 30, but the parameter can be adjusted as desired under the Query section in the Frontend settings.
  • Adjustment in the handling of received asynchronous events to better align with the recent event type selection dispatch overhaul: filtering by the selected event types is also applied in this case.


4.7.8 (2021-11-08)

  • Adjustments toward more robust handling of interactions with backend.

4.7.7 (2021-11-03)

  • A fix in underlying query related to Sat Comms Received events. The specific symptom was not getting such events back when they should. (Thanks, Brian, for the heads-up.)

4.7.6 (2021-11-02)

  • Internal: new database index to improve performance of certain event type queries.
  • Internal: logging adjustments.
  • Adjustment in mission selection menu.
  • A popup is now used to show details about async sessions.

4.7.5 (2021-10-25)

  • More adjustments in the Log tab to closely align with legacy UI in terms of the event type selection dispatch logic. Please see the Log Tab section for details.

4.7.3 (2021-10-22)

  • A fix in the "Load more events" functionality: The event type selection is now used to build the corresponding query to the backend. Previously, such query was done with default event types (basically, all except dataProcessed), while the subsequent filtering, according to the event selection, was completely done in the frontend. (Thanks, Brian and Brett, for the heads-up).

4.7.2 (2021-10-21)

  • Reprocess/Replot options (only for admins) have been added to the Data tab, with same functionality as in the legacy UI. (Thanks, Ben, for the heads-up).

  • Deployment playback enhancements.

  • Deployment report adjustments.
  • Internal adjustments per enhanced backend APIs.

4.7.0 (2021-10-12)

  • Gathering the waypoint information associated to the last started mission is now done in (and exposed by the API of) the backend. With no more dependency on the query parameters in the frontend settings, this should fix the occasional issue of such waypoints not showing on the map when they should be.*

    * This FAQ entry is still relevant.



4.6.9 (2021-10-07) (With a hotfix in the UI wrt 4.6.8)

  • Internal changes:

    • Reflect adjustment in the LRAUV codebase, which now generates Command.xml as the command XML file (previously CommandLine.xml);
    • As part of this, note that CommandExec is now the component name in some events reported from the vehicle (previously, CommandLine).
    • Various important underlying dependencies updated, including LRAUV and Tomcat.
  • Externally:

    • Fixed issue that prevented the refresh button under the "Build a command" dropdown from working;
    • A bit more prominent display of the "Started mission <id>" important event in the Log table.

4.6.5—4.6.7 (2021-08-16)

  • More adjustments required in the backend arising from the recent new handling involving the "sender" email address, initially implemented to circumvent restriction by tmobile in notifications from
    • Associated with the address for outbound emails, new replyTo configuration setting, which allows to indicate the primary address that is regularly monitored.
    • However, it turns out, the replyTo mechanism is not honored by some external carriers, so, TethysDash now also checks the inbox for the address used for outbound, but in this case only for "request-by-operator" purposes (e.g., a 'note' reply via text to an event notification email).
    • New configuration setting to explicitly indicate the sender for Iridium purposes.

4.6.4 (2021-08-10)

  • MBARI instance: For event notifications and other emails from the system, the sender is now (previously,

  • The "extra" email addresses (used for event notifications purposes) can now be edited and also deleted. When an extra email address is edited, all associated notification settings are transferred to the new address.

    Once an extra email address is selected in the notification settings dialog, use the indicated button to edit or delete it:

  • The map includes two additional base layers for selection: a dark layer (CARTO/OpenStreetMap), and an "empty" layer (i.e., no base layer).

4.6.3 (2021-08-03)

  • Adjustments in backend logic to reply to text message in case of error in the request. (Thanks, Pat, for the heads-up.)

4.6.2 (2021-07-23)

  • As a shortcut, new button in main page to switch light and dark modes. The button is located next to the 3-dot main menu (only for widescreen).
  • Various color adjustments for dark mode, including some for small screens. Thanks for the feedback!

  • Dark mode adjustments also include some under the Docs tab.


    Depending on color attributes possibly already incorporated in a document, the rendering of such document in dark mode may not be as readable. You can switch to light mode in those cases.

4.6.0 (2021-07-14)

  • Dark mode has arrived!

    The default mode ('Auto') should reflect the "theme" preference in your browser. However, you can explicitly set the mode in the Frontend Settings:


    It is possible that not all associated coloring has been adjusted for dark mode in this first version, not to mention that the color selection itself is open to suggestions. As always, your feedback is welcome.

  • MTMSM numbers are now highlighted for certain events in the Log table. This is done for the event types that explicitly capture such piece of information: sbdReceipt and sbdReceive. Also highlighted are logImportant events containing MTMSN= in the description (e.g., SBD MTMSN=20210714T172908).


4.5.6 (2021-06-24)

  • (Experimental) Operators can now post notes via text messages.
    More details in this page. Thanks, Monique, for the suggestion. (td#85)

4.5.5 (2021-06-15)

  • New "admin" option to remove events timestamped in the future (for the 'sim' vehicle).
  • Data file access has been enabled in the backend, so a file like shore.csv can now be retrieved and used by javascript code clients running in the browser itself. (This in particular will facilitate ongoing development of status widgets by UCSC collaborators, as well as some other possible enhancements in the future.)
  • Other changes in the backend, mainly associated with the service ("odss2dash") that relays platform positions from the Tracking DB, eventually exposed to the Dash UI via websockets.

4.5.3 (2021-06-07)

  • Enhancements in the 'Recent Runs' dropdown under the Mission tab:

    • Initial number of loaded 'Mission Request' events has been increased.
    • One can now also click a 'Load more' button to load more in increments of 50.
    • So, along with the filter one can now really search for pretty much any issued mission while going back in time as much as needed.
    • Other associated improvements:
      • Event timestamp is now also included in the dropdown list
      • The filter is now also applied to the note and timestamp

  • Ability to indicate specific list of vehicles to be exposed.

  • Default map location is no longer hard-coded to Monterey Bay; instead, the whole world gets displayed by default. One can then just click one of the relevant buttons, e.g., "Zoom to all", to restrict the area to actual vehicle positions, or use any other mechanism to change the location and zoom level. Subsequently, as usual, the last selected area and zoom level will continue to be "remembered" in your browser's local storage.

  • Fixed issue about wrong waypoint extraction recently exposed with front_tracking_2D for WHOI. (As is the case with several other missions, front_tracking_2D is not to be considered for waypoint display given the general limited support for this.)

  • Adjusted width of waypoint trajectory details dialog so one doesn't have to do scrolling when on a wide screen.

4.5.2 (2021-06-01)

  • Various adjustments related to vehicle selection, including automatic selection when only one vehicle is available from configuration (which is the current WHOI case).

  • A fix in the websockets endpoint setting when running dockerized system locally.

  • Internal adjustments and code cleanup.

4.5.1 (2021-05-21)

  • Fixed issue that prevented the addition of email address for event notification purposes.

  • For operators, the dash can now play a quick sound as soon as cell connection to a vehicle is reestablished. Use the cell connection status dialog to enable this feature:

    Note: The currently available sounds in the Dash are from, and used under the "Creative Commons Attribution license".

  • Important improvement in the 'reset password' workflow, now more secure and standard: instead of an immediate effect, the request now generates an email with a special, account-specific link to a form where the user can then enter the new password.


4.4.9 (2021-05-19)

  • Further adjustments in formatting of event notification emails, and a fix to regression related to display of waypoint trajectory. Thanks, Ben for the report and suggestions.

  • Various adjustments and fixes (both UI and backend). Thanks, Ryan G. for the productive sessions and feedback.

4.4.5 (2021-05-18)

  • Adjustments in event notification email formatting (backend 4.1.1). (#176).

  • More legible "Use plain text in emails" toggle in the email notification settings dialog.

  • Various API call adjustments per security enhancements in backend 4.1.0. Make sure you are using this or newer version especially if you need to create an account, sign in, or change your account details or password.

  • Fixed issue in playback mode that prevented the point cloud feature from displaying.

4.4.3 (2021-04-30)

  • This is a significant release, involving both backend and frontend components.

  • The main change in this release is the use of a new underlying mechanism for handling asynchronous messages.

    • These changes are mostly internal.
    • The selection of this new mechanism is done via configuration in the backend, so, we could revert to using the traditional mechanism if necessary. Any change in the selected mechanism should only require:
      • (1) A restart of the TethysDash system;
      • (2) That users reload the Dash4 page in the browser.

  • Other enhancements/fixes:

    • Mission tab: The unit names associated with any overwritten parameters are now translated to their corresponding abbreviations when constructing the resulting command text to be sent out. (Thanks Ben for the heads-up.)
      Using the "Preview SBDs" feature, one can see the effect like this:

    • In the Summary tab, the displayed ESP status widget for a vehicle will be the last one "archived" when there is no active deployment; otherwise, just the widget being updated during the ongoing deployment. (Thanks Steve.)

    • In the Log tab, and located next to the usual shore.log link, there is now also a link to the "ESP Logs" listing page. (Thanks Brent R. for the suggestion.)

    • PIC: Only the most recent "Signed-in as PIC" operator is shown. (Thanks Ben for the suggestion.) (The On-Call case still may display multiple operators.)

    • Adjustments in admin sections related to email notification settings. (Thanks WHOI for the suggestion.)


4.3.7 (2021-04-08)

  • Adjustments in handling of selected tracking database assets:

    • In general, the recent positions for the selected tracking DB assets are now retrieved automatically upon a reload of the Dash page.
    • For the "Current Position Point Cloud", there's now a setting (saved in local storage), "Display on the map," to toggle the display of such points.
  • Filtering in the TrackDB selection now also considers the associated abbreviation as captured in the tracking database. E.g., entering wr in the filter text field should include WW_205881 (WrWlkr) in the filtered list. When available, this abbreviation is also included in the popup information for the asset on the map.

4.3.6 (2021-03-31)

  • Experimental: new "Current Position Point Cloud" handling for asset positions managed in MBARI's Tracking Database. (Thanks John R. for the suggestion!)

  • Adjustments related to Slack notifications.

  • The tooltip for the version text located at the top right of the page will also show the version of the TethysDash backend system.

4.3.4 (2021-03-19)

  • Adjustments related to asynchronous notifications for the cell connection status updates. (Initially for the WHOI instance).

4.3.3 (2021-02-18)

  • Issues while preparing mission involving inserts should now be fixed.
    (Example: Transport/keepstation_3km.xml.) (#80, #83)

    • All mission inserts, including all nested ones, should now get exposed in corresponding sections for editing the associated parameters as needed.
    • Any overrides for a "Re-run" should also get properly reflected.
  • More visible popup notification upon submitting a mission or a command to the TethysDash backend. (Thanks Steve H. for the suggestion.)

4.3.21 (2021-02-09)

  • (Adjustments in the backend regarding the unserialize process.)

4.3.2 (2020-12-16) -

  • For vehicle selection, while refreshing the list, only show vehicles with a deployment. (Thanks, Ryan G., for the suggestion).

  • Remove the "status widget" section in "UI Settings -> Experimental." Having the toggle under the Summary tab suffices.

4.3 (2020-12-14) -

  • Experimental initial use of proper websockets server for asynchronous notifications:
    • New Websockets section under UI Settings -> Experimental. Use the toggle there to connect/disconnect to the websocket server.
    • Only vehicle cell connection status ("ping") are handled through this mechanism.


4.2.3 (2020-12-13) -

  • Adjustments/fixes in async notification state handling

  • UI settings: Auto-refresh period now with ~0.5 minutes as minimum allowed (this is approximate).

4.2.2 (2020-12-11) -

  • Fixed issue that would make command's Send button to stay disabled. (#84)

  • Spaces are now trimmed in all parameter values (including lat/lon) before issuing a mission. This is a general proper handling that also, in particular, should help avoid parsing problems on the vehicle side. (#82)

  • A fix in dispatch of deployment to properly reflect updates upon a launch or recover action. (For example, after a launch, the "Launch" button would still be displayed when coming back to the Deployment tab.)

  • Some minor layout adjustment under the Deployment tab to avoid partially obscuring contents in "DList" sections.

  • There's now a checkbox for inclusion of the ESP status widget for each vehicle in the Summary tab.

4.2.1 (2020-12-07) -

  • Usability improvement related to the "add vehicle" button (+). This now opens a dialog listing all currently unselected vehicles along with associated deployment status: first, vehicles with an active deployment (with a green circle icon), then those with ended deployments (red icon), and finally those without any registered deployments. On desktop, the tooltip for a line will show more details about the deployment. The dialog will remain open until one is happy adding any vehicles for dispatch in the UI.

    (Thanks Monique M. for the suggestion.)

  • Internal: Configurability related to MBARI's "ODSS-2-Dash" service, which supports the inclusion of tracking DB asset positions on the map.

4.2 (2020-10-30) -

  • Implemented solution in the backend to handle improper URL encoding of commands caused by browsers that are not compliant with the HTTP/1.1 specification. Issue manifested by trying to issue a command that includes characters like [:

    ! onESPclient brent – 'slots [24,26,31] => [:dry,:archive_bac]'

    Thanks Brent R. for reporting the problem. (#78)


4.1.4 (2020-10-14) -

  • Fixed issue that caused incorrect waypoint dragging on the map (i.e., during mission preparation started from the Mission tab) in the case where some of the other waypoints are set to NaN. (#77)

  • Mission Tab: responsiveness adjustments specially when dealing with a large mission script (e.g., Science/isotherm_depth_canon, which has more than 500 parameters!).

4.1.3 (2020-10-12) -

  • Fixed issue in the "Note" dialog that occasionally made the Send button to remain disabled. (Thanks John R. for reporting.)


  • Fixed logic for parsing of waypoints to be displayed on the map.
    (As the concrete case recently noted, the pair of parameters CenterLatitude and CenterLongitude in the Science/circle_acoustic_contact mission was mistakenly extracted as a waypoint. Thanks Yanwu for the heads-up.)

4.1.1 (2020-10-09) -

  • The Summary tab now includes Steve's ESP cartridge status widget.
    Note: this for now has been included in a rather ad hoc way and only for Makai.

4.1 (2020-10-08) -

  • Waypoint editor issues noted today should be fixed.

  • Improved display performance in the "send note" dialog, in particular when also opening the emoji selection 😉.

  • Some various fixes (#74, #73, #27) and upgrades of internal dependencies.


4.0.1 (2020-10-05)

  • Adjustments related to administrative options.
  • The main page at has been updated and simplified as all functionality is now captured in the Dash UI itself.
  • Branding adjustment (primary UI color).

4.0 (2020-10-01)

🙌 First v4 release.

Versions in this new series will be available under the URL path /dash4/, that is, in the MBARI case.


  • The usual /dash3/ URL will continue to be available for a few more weeks.
  • The traditional TethysDash UI will also continue to be available but in this case with no plans to retire it any time soon.
  • Only the new corresponding implementations are now exposed in the revamped Command and Mission tabs.

  • Performance improvement involving tracking DB position updates on the map.

  • Boat mode improvements.

  • Various usability, style, and layout adjustments.

  • Internal adjustments related to Google APIs.

  • Instead of pointing to the User/Admin webapp (which will also be undergoing some updates), Dash now directly handles creation of user account, update of user account details, as well as the main administration page.


Version 3 release notes have been moved to this page.