# Copyright (c) 2024 MBARI
# MBARI Proprietary Information. Confidential. All Rights Reserved
# Unauthorized copying or distribution of this file via any medium is strictly
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# Export Administration Act of 1979 (Title 50, U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq.), as
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mission Default_backseat_phins {
arguments {
ElapsedSinceDefaultStarted = 0 minute
behavior Guidance:Wait {
Wait a moment to see if the scheduler starts a new mission before
starting to actually run Default.
run in sequence
set duration = 13 second
# Power the backseat computer
insert Insert/BackseatDriver.tl
assign in sequence BackseatDriver:EnableBackseat = true
# Power the PHINS
syslog "Powering up PHINS..."
aggregate PowerUp {
run in sequence
syslog important "Requesting Data"
readDatum {
syslog "PHINS powered."
behavior Guidance:GoToSurface {
run in progression
aggregate CheckIn {
run in sequence repeat=288
readDatum id="Read_GPS" {
timeout duration=P5M
readDatum id="Read_Iridium" {
timeout duration=P2H {
behavior Guidance:Execute {
run in sequence
set command = "Burn on"
syslog critical "Dropped weight due to communications timeout."
behavior Guidance:Wait {
run in sequence
set duration = 5 minute
assign in sequence ElapsedSinceDefaultStarted = elapsed ( Universal:mission_started )
syslog important "Default Backseat and PHINS mission has been running for "
+ ElapsedSinceDefaultStarted~minute
syslog important "Restarting logs and Default Backseat and PHINS mission."
behavior Guidance:Execute {
run in sequence
set command = "restart logs"