Mission ID: testAct
Mission Path: RegressionTests/GazeboTests/testAct.xml
This mission commands the vehicle actuators to a specified position/velocity.
MissionTimeout = 45 minute
Maximum duration of mission
Speed = 0 meter_per_second
Static setting for speed during the mission (meter_per_second; 1 m/s = 300 RPM).
MassPosition = Control:VerticalControl.massDefault
Static setting for mass during the mission (millimeter). Defaults to massDefault setting in the Config/Control.cfg file.
Commanded values should fall between the permitted cofig range as defined by: - VerticalControl.massPositionLimitFwd // Forward limit (toward nose = positive) - VerticalControl.massPositionLimitAft // Backward limit (toward tail = negative)
BuoyancyPosition = Control:VerticalControl.buoyancyNeutral
Static setting for buoyancy during the mission (cubic_centimeter). Defaults to buoyancyNeutral setting in the Config/Control.cfg file.
Commanded values should fall between the permitted cofig range as defined by: - VerticalControl.buoyancyLimitHiCC // High limit (max bouncy) - VerticalControl.buoyancyLimitLoCC // Low limit (min bouncy)
RudderAngle = 0 degree
Static setting for rudder angle during the mission (degrees). Defaults to center (0 deg).
Max value: 15 degrees, turn rudder to stbd, turn vehicle nose to port Max value: -15 degrees, turn rudder to port, turn vehicle nose to stbd
ElevatorAngle = 0 degree
Static setting for elevator angle during the mission (degrees). Defaults to center (0 deg).
Max value: 15 degrees, turn elevator up, pitch vehicle nose down (pitch < 0) Max value: -15 degrees, turn elevator down, pitch vehicle nose up (pitch > 0)
None defined