Mission ID: TestAckMessage
Mission Path: Engineering/HotBunking/testAckMessage.xml
Mission to test DAT message acknowledgement.
Missing standard envelopes -- lab use only.
This script can take two roles, Sender==True and Sender==False. In the Sender==True role, the script sends ".relievedOfDuty" to an acoustic recipient and waits for the ACK. In the Sender==False role, the script monitors for ".relievedOfDuty" and logs when it is recieved.
You must hard-code in the recipient modem address in the SendData element.
MissionTimeout = 30 minute
Maximum length of mission
Sender = 1 bool
Whether this vehicle should send the original message or simply acknowledge it.
AckReceived = false
Mission variable (don't change). An ACK flag with a timestamp used to detect when new ACK signals have arrived.
RelievedOfDuty = 0 count
Mission variable (don't change). Whether the relief vehicle has showed up and communicated its intent to relieve this sampling vehicle.
TrueVar = true
A True boolean, defined as an arg because you can't directly place values in a call to SendData.