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  • This section mainly uses TethysL syntax for illustration, but the conceptual model of the language applies regardless of the particular syntax (XML or TethysL).
  • In general, the documentation structure for language constructs, keywords, grammar description, etc., is still being worked out.
  • For the notation used in various parts to this documentation, see Notation.


todo: expand/review

The aggregate keyword starts one of the two possible top-level constructs in a mission script (the other one being a mission). The definition of an aggregate behavior can also be embedded within a mission or another aggregate aggregate.


aggregate AbortDrift {
  Limit drifting period without receiving any acoustic signals.

  arguments {
    AcousticTimeout = 96 hour
      Drifting for longer than this period without receiving any acoustic
      signals will trigger the abort.

  run in parallel

  syslog info "Insert acoustic timeout set to " + AcousticTimeout~hour + "."

  behavior Guidance:AbortDrift {
    run in sequence
    set acousticTimeout = AcousticTimeout

  behavior Guidance:Execute {
    run in sequence
    set command = "stop"

⟨aggregate⟩ syntax

aggregate ⟨id⟩ {


todo: expand/review

Starts a block where the arguments of a mission or aggregate are defined.

mission {
  Mission description.

  arguments {
    MissionTimeout = 2 hour
      Maximum duration of mission.

    NeedCommsTime = 60 minute
      How often to surface for communications.



todo: expand/review

assign is one of the LRAUV core behaviors.


mission {
  arguments {
    MissionTimeout = 90 minute
      Maximum duration of mission

  insert Insert/NeedComms id="NeedComms"

  assign in sequence NeedComms:DiveInterval = MissionTimeout

⟨assign⟩ syntax

assign  id = "str" ⟧?  ⟨executionMode⟩  ⟨id⟩ = ⟨expression⟩


todo: expand/review

This keyword is used to invoke a particular LRAUV module behavior.

⟨moduleBehavior⟩ syntax

behavior ⟨moduleName⟩:⟨behaviorName⟩   id = "someId" ⟧? {
   ⟨behaviorChoice1⟩ | ⟨behaviorChoice2⟩ ⟧*


mission {
  behavior Guidance:Point {
    run in parallel
    set heading = -135 degree


todo: expand/review

Allows to terminate a behavior execution according to a given condition.

behavior Some:Behavior {
  run in parallel

  break if ( ⟨condition⟩ )

  set xyz = -135 degree


A core behavior that calls a previously defined or inserted aggregate behavior.

mission {
  arguments {
    someTime = 5 minute

  insert _examples/defineBlock {
    redefineArg foo = someTime

  call refId="defineBlock"

  call id="StartingMission" priorityHere=false refId="defineBlock"
    A description of this call.

refId is the only required element of a call statement. It indicates the mission or aggregate to call.

Other elements are optional:

  • id: An optional ID for this call.

  • priorityHere: If priorityHere=false is indicated, the referenced behavior runs at the layered control priority where it was originally defined or included in the mission. Otherwise, i.e., either omitting priorityHere or indicating priorityHere=true, then the referenced behavior is included as if it were defined or included at the call location.

  • description: An optional description for the call.


todo: expand/review

This is a boolean expression that evaluates to true only when ...


mission {
  aggregate GPSFIX {
    run when ( called )

    behavior Guidance:GoToSurface {
      run in progression


todo: expand/review

mission {
  arguments {
    MassDeadband = customUri "VerticalControl.massDeadband"

  syslog "Rudder limit = " + customUri "HorizontalControl.rudLimit" ~ degree


todo: expand/review


todo: expand/review

See sendData.


todo: expand/review


todo: expand/review

Similar to elapsed, elapsed_ returns the elapsed time since the start of the mission item that contains the elapsed_ element.

In the following example:

mission {
  aggregate Test {
    output {
      elapsed = 0 second
    run in sequence
    assign in parallel elapsed = elapsed_
that item would be the assign, which starts running in parallel as soon as the surrounding aggregate, aggregate Test, starts running in sequence.


todo: expand/review

Similar to an import statement in various programming languages, this construct imports the aggregate (or mission) defined in another script at the location of the insert element.

The basic forms of this statement are:

  • insert ⟨filename⟩
  • insert ⟨filename⟩ { ⟨body⟩ }


  • ⟨filename⟩:

    • Can refer to a TethysL or XML script, that is, with .tl or .xml file extension
    • The inserted script must exist and be valid
  • ⟨body⟩

    • One or more of: redefineArg ⟨identifier⟩ = ⟨expression⟩
      • ⟨identifier⟩ is an argument in the inserted file
      • ⟨expression⟩ is valid and with compatible units
mission {

  insert Insert/Science


  insert Transport/transit {
    redefineArg MissionTimeout = 90 minute
    redefineArg Latitude = 36.8049 degree
    redefineArg Longitude = -121.8108 degree
    redefineArg MinOffshore = 750 meter

⟨insert⟩ syntax

insert  id = "str" ⟧?  ⟨filename⟩ ⟨block⟩?

⟨block⟩ = {
             redefineArg ⟨identifier⟩ = ⟨expression⟩ ⟧+


todo: expand/review


TethysL includes syntax extensions that can significantly help capture similar constructs in a mission script with a concise, readable, and less error-prone syntax compared to the traditional XML based language. More details in the section about Macro extensions in TethysL.


The mission keyword starts one of the two possible top-level constructs in a mission script (the other one being an aggregate).

More details in this section.

An example:

mission transit_1km {
  Vehicle transits to the 1km waypoint.

  insert Transport/transit {
    redefineArg Latitude = 36.8156 degree
    redefineArg Longitude = -121.806 degree


todo: expand/review


Starts a block defining the output parameters of a mission or aggregate.

mission {
  arguments {

  output {
    DoingComms = false
      The mission sets this to true *before* the vehicle surfaces for comms.

    StartFromSurface = true
      The mission sets this to true *after* the vehicle surfaces for comms.


Sets the value for an output parameter from a behavior output. See behavior.


run in parallel

This is the most basic execution mode. The behavior runs along with any other active behaviors, and does not stop either until the mission or aggregate behavior that contains it completes or until a break condition is satisfied.


mission {
  aggregate SurfaceOps {
    run in parallel


A boolean condition which can apply to Aggregate, Module, and Timeout behaviors: if the behavior is active and the condition evaluates to true, then all lower priority behaviors are not just preempted -- rather, they are skipped as if they did not exist on the stack.

See also:


This is an optional setting for the call statement. See call.


run in progression

The progression execution mode is equivalent to running a behavior both in parallel and in sequence. The behavior runs continuously, but does not allow subsequent sequence behaviors to become active until it reaches it goal. Conceptually, this could be behavior like drive to depth X and stay there which could be followed by a behavior like take a measurement every Y minutes, Z times.

The progression execution mode can also be followed by repeat = ⟨value⟩ which causes the goal to be achieved the specified number of times before the next sequence behavior to becomes active (or the container becomes inactive if there is no next sequence behavior).


todo: expand/review


readData {
readData strategy="MinError"  {
  while ( EnabledNeilBrown or EnabledSeabird )
readData  {
  while ( not ( Drifting ) and Universal:depth >= ScienceOnDepth )


⟨readData⟩ syntax

readData  id = "str" ⟧?   strategy = "str" ⟧? {


todo: expand/review


readDatum {
readDatum id="Read_GPS" {
  timeout duration=P5M
readDatum {
  timeout duration=P10S
readDatum {
  timeout duration=CANONSamplerTimeout {
    syslog important "Timed out sampling with CANONSampler."

⟨readDatum⟩ syntax

readDatum  id = "str" ⟧?  ⟨repeatGetsChoice⟩? {


todo: expand/review

See insert.


repeat = ⟨expression⟩

Optional qualification in:


run in parallel
run in progression
run in sequence   repeat = ⟨expression⟩ ⟧?
run when ( ⟨condition⟩ )   repeat = ⟨expression⟩ ⟧?
run while ( ⟨condition⟩ )

Determines under which condition or execution mode to run the associated behavior.

See also:


todo: expand/review

sendData service=express (
  Control:HorizontalControl.latitudeCmd ~ degree,
  Control:HorizontalControl.longitudeCmd ~ degree


run in sequence

In the sequence execution mode, the behavior becomes active if it is the first sequence behavior in the mission or aggregate behavior that contains it, or when a preceding sequence behavior reaches a state of completion. Then the behavior remains active until it reaches a state of completion, either because it is a goal oriented behavior or because either a break or timeout condition becomes true. Then the next (if any) sequence behavior becomes active. If this is the last sequence behavior in the mission or aggregate behavior that contains it, then the mission or aggregate behavior also reaches a state of completion.

The sequence execution mode can also be followed by repeat = ⟨value⟩ where the value is a countable integer. This causes the behavior to repeat the specified number of times.


behavior Trigger:PeakDetectVsDepth {
  run in sequence
  outputArg out1 = deepBound
mission {
  behavior Guidance:Waypoint {
    run in sequence
    set latitude = 36.82 degree
mission {
  aggregate Loop {
    run in sequence repeat=72


todo: expand/review

See syslog.


todo: expand/review

Allows to set the value for a behavior setting. See behavior.


⟨syslog⟩ syntax

syslog ⟨severity⟩?   service = ⟨service-name⟩ ⟧?  ⟨contents⟩


  • ⟨severity⟩ is one of: none, debug, info, error, important, fault, critical

  • ⟨service-name⟩ is one of: direct, courier, express, priority, normal, bulk, count, multi

  • ⟨contents⟩ can be:

    • A literal string, e.g., "some value = "
    • An identifier or customUri, with desired reported units, e.g., newTime ~ second
    • A concatenation of the above elements with the + operator


syslog "hello world"

syslog info "SkipComms = " + SkipComms~bool

syslog important service=express "newTime = " + newTime ~ second

syslog important "newTime = " + newTime~second

syslog "newTime = " + newTime ~ hour + " SkipComms = " + SkipComms~bool

syslog "Rudder limit = " + customUri "HorizontalControl.rudLimit" ~ degree

syslog info "Updating YoYoMaxDepth " + customUri "_.YoYoMaxDepth" ~ meter


⟨test_code⟩ syntax

test_code  valgrind ⟧? {{{

Allows wrapping python code for mission testing purposes.

todo: expand/review

Section started with paraphrasing from the README under RegressionTests.

Regression test missions

Regression test missions are normal LRAUV missions, with the addition of python code wrapped in an test_code section. For example:

mission {
  test_code {{{
    # python code that sets value of "passed" variable, i.e.,
    passed = True

One way to write a regression test is to just provide the above simple test script, and use when clauses in the mission with syslog critical elements that are activated when the mission goes awry. Any triggered syslog critical ... will cause the test mission to terminate, and fail the regression test.

Another way (which can be used in tandem with the above method) is to analyze the data from the simulation in the python procedure. Under the lrauv-application codebase, utility library classes are provided in Tools/regression, which do not need to be explicitly imported.

The most used library is, which provides:

[array of data] ="var1", "var2", "var3")


depth ="depth")[0]

(lats, lons) ="latitude", "longitude")

Missions run at faster-than-realtime speed during testing. However, if the tag valgrind is added after test_code and before the python code, then the mission is simulated with valgrind running in verbose mode, and will catch memory leaks and faults such as using uninitialized memory. Any fault or memory leak will cause the test to fail. Note that the simulation will run much more slowly, approaching real-time. So, test_code valgrind ... is recommended only for missions that will complete within a few minutes of real-time.

Running regression tests

Under the lrauv-application codebase, regression tests are run using Tools/regression/ Without any arguments, all missions in the RegressionTests/ folder with filenames that start with the word "test". Optionally the path to a mission can be provided to run only that mission. If a 2nd argument is provided, the mission won't be run, but the python test code will be run using the logs from a previous run of the mission.


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mission {
  arguments {
    timeout = 3.5 hour

  timeout duration=timeout


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touch is similar to assign, except there is no right-hand-side expression for the identifier as only the time of last write is updated but the value is not changed (so, the effect is similar to a filesystem touch operation).

Example with Universal:platform_communications:

readDatum {
  timeout duration=P30M {
    touch in sequence Universal:platform_communications


todo: expand/review

See test_code.


run when ( ⟨condition⟩ )   repeat = ⟨expression⟩ ⟧?

The when execution mode kicks off a goal-oriented behavior, similar to a sequence behavior, except that the behavior only becomes active when the when condition becomes true. When the goal is achieved (or a break or timeout occurs), the behavior becomes inactive until the when condition becomes true again.

The when execution mode can also be followed by repeat = ⟨value⟩, which causes the behavior to run the specified number of times after the when condition becomes true.


mission {
  aggregate NeedComms {
    run when ( Universal:platform_pitch_angle > 0 degree and
               elapsed ( Universal:time_fix ) > 120 minute )



run while ( ⟨condition⟩ )

The while execution mode kicks off a continuous behavior, similar to a parallel behavior, except that the behavior is only active when the while condition is true. When while condition becomes false (or a break occurs), the behavior becomes inactive until the while condition becomes true again.


readData strategy="MinError"  {
  while ( EnabledNeilBrown or EnabledSeabird )

See also: